Friday, December 12, 2008

Laugh Riot - Shelley Berman

I recently had the opportunity to meet and work briefly with a comedic hero of mine,
Shelley Berman.

Mr. Berman is one of the original Compass Players, a performance group that was the first of its kind to use improv, not as an acting or writing tool but as a form of entertainment. They laid the foundation for all improvisation that came after from Second City and Saturday Night Live to Curb Your Enthusiasm and every Christopher Guest film ever made.

A studio in Chicago is doing a documentary on The Compass Players entitled "Compass: The Birth of Improvisational Theatre."

Mr. Berman is still working as an actor into his golden years on shows Curb Your Enthusiasm and Pushing Daisies.

Please enjoy some of his stand up.

"Hold On"

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