Friday, December 5, 2008

Our most popular posts

Here are Tragically Hipster's most popular posts since it's inception:

1. Shana Lutker interview - 351 views
2. Tao Lin Offers a Cure to Existential Despair Through Strategic Investment Opportunities - 103 views
3. Flight of the Conchords at Largo - 99 views
4. Ariel Pink interview - 83 views
5. Rau Art Review of Philip Lorca DiCorcia at LACMA - 48 views

Just because they're the most popular doesn't make them the best, Brenda, but they may be worth a look.


MEG said...

WHAT?!!! No "Jon Hamm's John Ham"? But it was so deep and probing, so profound!

The Blogfather said...

Give it time.