Haunted Graffiti. Ariel Pink at left.
I've tried to figure out how to write an intro to this and it keeps sounding stupid. Ariel is a clever writer, beautiful musician, nice guy who apologized when he bumped me at a show of his once, and incredibly tireless worker. I interviewed him via email, and am not about to ruin it by trying to standardize his punctuation. Free song download at the bottom.
What are you working on right now?
lots of things a-brewin'...music collabs and band tour holiday's =full time job...lots of time at home with new scanner/printer, struggling to stay on top of paypal orders re: handmade CDR editions/limited press vinyl releases sold exclusively via Haunted Graffiti/myspace.com
Do you have a favorite place to play in L.A.?
Ken Gilmore's.....the 1830 rooftop is always fun.....pacific palisades....Merkato, in little ethiopia,,,,,
Do you think life in L.A., or L.A. pop music history affects your work in any way?
History affects ME, daily, like a curse. i have family here. i largely relive memories by remaining in town so long, revisiting and reuniting places with people i haven't seen or thought about in ages practically every time i walk down the street. can't imagine not living in LA. and why would i? it would be a case of my dropping off the face of the earth, never to be seen nor heard from again, to perhaps to relive the feeling of potential entanglements, new friends, a new town, a new ME to consider.
What's a good way for someone to find out about your music? I saw you perform live at Family Bookstore last year, and you sang a song with a melody I loved. I looked all over on the Internet and couldn't find it, and eventually I forgot what the melody sounded like. I saw then that you sell lots of CD-Rs and limited editions and stuff. Are there local stores where those can be bought? Do you have a fan club? Any website that's comprehensive? Are your older recordings collected anywhere?
What's a good way for someone to find out about your music? I saw you perform live at Family Bookstore last year, and you sang a song with a melody I loved. I looked all over on the Internet and couldn't find it, and eventually I forgot what the melody sounded like. I saw then that you sell lots of CD-Rs and limited editions and stuff. Are there local stores where those can be bought? Do you have a fan club? Any website that's comprehensive? Are your older recordings collected anywhere?
everything is pretty much online. music blogs and search engines make it near impossible for anyone to come up empty when they know what they are looking for. smaller labels have helped me press up small quantities of vinyl to coincide with touring and playing live - all very much as a way making my recordings available without oversupplying the demand. to waste my time and energy on promoting songs and records made so far back i can't even recognize myself in them anymore...no thanks. i'd rather spend my time working on something new, with a label that trusts me and supports the artistic process
What other musicians or artists are you excited about right now?
---------------What other musicians or artists are you excited about right now?
not complete by any means.....
wendy carlos
getachew H/mariam
vahag sakadjian
yeshimebet dubale
mahmoud ahmed
kennedy mengesha
girma tefera
kuku sebesbe
getachew kassa
alameyehu eshete
the Wallias band
geneva jacuzzi
richard ross
john maus
concrete rubber band
popol vuh
olivier messian
julia holter
msr song poems (rodd keith)
icy spicy leoncie
gary war
fancy space people
crooked cowboy
harry merry
nite jewel
black black
clang quartet
peter thomas orchestra
freddy k
the germs
the cardiacs
secret circuit
big business
cleaners from venus
arthur brown
james brown and the jb's just to name a few....
haunted graffiti djs every other week at the verdugo bar. upcoming: 9/25, 10/9
Download: "She's Gone"
Haunted Graffiti at myspace (lots of upcoming shows tbd)
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