Wednesday, September 10, 2008

While the kids are away, the adults will play

Whoa. In a year bereft of new Arcade Fire, White Stripes, Kanye West, etc., older artists are making a serious, beautiful bid for our eardrums. First there was Bryan Wilson's delightful That Lucky Old Sun, and now David Byrne and Bryan Eno's INCREDIBLE Everything That Happens Will Happen Today. There are so many good songs, I hesitate to single one out, but I must: When was the last time Mr. Byrne wrote anything as literally gorgeous as "One Fine Day"? Oh, and they're also helping themselves to the email-cubase-file-collaboration and non-label model-distribution stuff (including more clever artwork by Mr. Sagmeister). Being old sounds pretty good.

Listen to the Album, including One Fine Day, and download the song "Strange Overtones" for free here.

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