They say that history repeats itself: the first time as tragedy; the second time as farce. If that's the case, then all the boundary-pushing and society-thrashing that was the birth of punk rock has come 'round again, and this time its name is emo.
Those aging hipsters in the audience might recall those far-off days of the Great Mexican Emo Riots of '08, in which teenaged goths, punks and metal-heads ran wild through the streets of Querto on a quest to attack any and all emos who crossed their path. (The logic behind this apparently being that emos kind of suck: "Emos, their way of thinking is for crap, if you are so depressed please do us all a favor and kill yourselves!" went one of the posts on the message board that helped organize the "emo hunt.")
Now, according to this article in The Moscow Times emo has come under governmental scrutiny in Russia, with a proposed ban on emos in the works:
Emos, according to the bill, are from 12 to 16 years old and wear black and pink clothing. They have black hair with long bangs that "cover half the face," black fingernails, black belts peppered with studs and pins, and ear and eyebrow piercings, the bill says.
The "negative ideology" of emo culture may push young people toward depression and social withdrawal, and the movement carries a significant risk of suicide, especially for young girls, according to the bill...
In November, the Novgorod regional education department issued a letter to all schools in the region with a description of emo culture, saying the "dream of every [emo] is to die in a warm bath from the blood of cutting their wrists."
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