Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My First Earthquake

Were any hipsters damaged in today's earthquake? Let us know.

Hey! Here's an appropriate band to feature in response to today's big event:

Aren't they the cutest little seismic disturbances you've ever seen?


"Greg Adkins" said...

Wow, your first time. Did the earth move?

Rebecca said...

My first earthquake was back in August 2006 in San Francisco. Now I front the band above! That's me in the B&W! We would love to come down to LA and play a show soon! Got any favvy LA bands who'd be up for letting us join their bill? Thanks for posting about us!

MEG said...

Hi, Rebecca! I'll see if I can get in touch with some of the bands I know and see what they're up to. Thanks for posting a comment! :)