Horrible is the story of the titular Doctor ("with a PhD in Horribleness"), a wanna-be mad scientist desperate for membership in the Evil League of Evil; the girl at the laundromat he pines for but has never spoken to; and Captain Hammer, Dr. Horrible's superheroic arch-nemesis. It is, naturally, a musical.
Those of you with social lives more active than my own might not instantly identify Joss Whedon as the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, recent Astonishing X-Men scribe, and co-writer of the first Toy Story movie. Whedon also wrote and directed Buffy's musical episode, which was notable not merely for featuring choreographed dancing vampires, but also for having songs that were actually, you know, good. Word on the street is that Dr. Horrible will see a DVD release in the near future, and feature a sung audio commentary.
WHERE: http://www.drhorrible.com
PRICE: Free until July 21st, or download the whole thing for just $4 on iTunes.
1 comment:
Well... he's not actually the bomb... I mean that would be so ungraceful and aimless... not really his style... I mean it more to say "DR HORRIBLE KILLS!"... but... you know, not literally... I mean... he could if he had too... but you know, only if they really deserved it... (cue music)
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