Monday, July 14, 2008

Eco-friendly Vintage Fashions...

I was chatting with a friend of mine about her recent business efforts in fashion, and was at first somewhat surprised to hear her summarize by saying something like "Eco-friendly vintage."

I've never heard of such a thing!

But here's her response... There is nothing more eco-friendly than re-using the things that we already have. We reduce waste by saving things from the trash heap. Plus, there is no new production waste and minimal new energy consumption (from production, sales, shipping, etc.)!

A compelling argument!

So here's her thing...
Salvage Life: relevant vintage for wasteless living

She also has a blog and vintage fashions available for sale through her Etsy shop (she is still working on her own online store). A lot of her product is straight vintage, but she also does some pieces that have been altered, or completely re-fashioned from other vintage items.

Jackets, dresses, and more!


MEG said...

Cool! I've been trying to set up a similar side business.

Beth said...

Hi Jeff, thanks for the feature! I really enjoyed our conversation the other day! I love the blog and will definitely keep checking back!